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Primary School

'Excellence at Edwalton'

Late/Absence Procedures

In case of lateness

Children arriving in school after 9.00am should report to the office with the reason for lateness and the child’s lunch arrangements. Children arriving late for the afternoon should also report to the office.


At the end of the day, please ensure that every effort is made to collect your child promptly. Children will stay with their class teacher until 3.30pm if a parent/carer has still not arrived to collect their child. After this time the child will go to the office to wait.


In case of illness

If your child is ill and unable to come to school, please let us know on the first morning of your child's absence.  You may telephone and leave an answer phone message or send a note. Please be aware that when children have had sickness/diarrhoea, they should be kept off school until 48 hours after the last time they had sickness/diarrhoea. This is to prevent it spreading to other children and staff.

If your child is ill during school hours, we will need to contact you or a responsible adult chosen by yourself to act on your behalf. Each term we will send home a contact card for you to complete (even if there are no changes since the last one) to ensure our records are up to date. Please ensure that you tell the office immediately of any changes.


Visit our policies page for more information on medical policies in school.
