'Amazing playtimes, for every child, every day!'
OPAL - Outdoor Play & Learning
It has long been recognised that play is fundamental to a child’s health, happiness, development and well being. Research has also shown that children spend 20% of their time in school playing. This led staff to reflect upon how playtimes could be improved in our school and in the Autumn of 2024 our OPAL journey began.
The OPAL vision is that “every child in every school has an amazing hour of high quality play every day” and as a school we share this vision and recognise the enormous benefits play has on a child’s life.
We have developed the OPAL approach and worked with our school community to improve our play provision. Our school grounds are impressive with a large field, 1.5 acres of woodland, a traditional playground and a soft play area. Traditionally some of these spaces have been underused however through our OPAL project our school site is being transformed to offer the highest quality play experiences whatever the weather.
Our OPAL journey began in September 2024 and since this time, we have quickly transformed our outdoor environment. Our children love the new outdoor opportunities that OPAL offers with so much more for them to do, no matter the weather! Through this approach to play children are not only more active at lunch or break times, but they are also having the opportunity to further develop life skills such as cooperation, team work and problem solving. They are becoming motivated and enthusiastic builders, engineers, explorers and designers.
Play Leaders:
Latest Information:
OPAL Bingo
Introducing OPAL bingo! Each class has been given a bingo board with lots of items to collect – anything from a wooden spoon to a scooter – adding to their amazing playtimes! Please see your child's classrooms for your Childs/Children’s bingo board.
‘The Silver Welly’
Children can achieve this award for using their initiative during play, outstanding behaviour, being a kind friend or showing good tidying up skills. Their reward for receiving the ‘Silver Welly’ during Friday well done assembly will be 15 minutes extra OPAL time on a Friday afternoon for their WHOLE CLASS! They will get to keep the trophy in class for the week. Check out our amazing trophy!
Our Play Leaders
Our Play Charter:
OPAL at Edwalton!