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'Excellence at Edwalton'

Safeguarding in School

Safeguarding is a key priority at Edwalton Primary School. During our most recent Flying High Trust Safeguarding audit it was commented that: 


"The Head Teacher places safeguarding at the heart of the school’s work and procedures are in place so that safeguarding is effective and is the golden thread that runs through the school.  The highly experienced safeguarding team work closely together, so they are all fully aware of individual cases and support families well."





The Designated Safeguarding Leaders (DSLs) are:


Mr Daniel Graney - Interim Head Teacher, Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Annie Holmes - SENDCo, Safeguarding Officer

Mrs Trish Gilbert - SENDCo Support, Pastoral Support, Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Nikki Middleton Assistant Head Teacher, Deputy Safeguarding Lead


As “Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility” the DSLs support staff throughout the school when raising concerns. Actions are taken and feedback is given in a timely fashion. The school uses an electronic system to monitor children’s welfare.


Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as:

Protecting children from maltreatment; preventing impairment of children’s health or development; ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes Working Together to Safeguard Children.


Safeguarding also relates to the broader aspects of care and education including: Pupils’ health and safety and well-being, including their mental health; meeting the needs of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities; the use of reasonable force; meeting the needs of children with medical conditions.


As a staff we are vigilant with regards to all aspects of child protection. Children are given age appropriate messages regarding safeguarding through lessons eg our Y5 children take part in a Domestic Violence Awareness Programme focusing on Healthy and Healthy Relationships whereas e-safety messages are shared in assemblies.


All school safeguarding policies can be found here: