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Primary School

'Excellence at Edwalton'

Term Dates & School Timings


A reminder that we are unable to authorise term time holidays or family days out. Where possible we request that medical appointments are also made out of school hours. If parents choose to take term time breaks they could be issued with a penalty notice which may lead to a fine of between £60 and £120. For more information regarding this matter please refer to this website and see the following links and downloads:

School Timings


  • 8.30 - 8.40am – Children arrive on the school site
  • 8.42am – Children go to their classrooms (on sounding of the school bell)
  • 8.45am - Lessons start
  • 3.15pm – Children to be collected from their classrooms

School closures

In the event of school closures, up to date information can be found on the Nottinghamshire County Council website and local radio.
