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Primary School

'Excellence at Edwalton'


Our approach to Behaviour at Edwalton Primary School


Children should understand that people may have differing viewpoints and should afford them the freedom to express these, providing they do not cause offence to any other individual. 

Children should learn to respect their own property, and that of other people, including the fabric of the school. 


We approach behaviour at our school with three ingredients that we believe to be vital: 

- Positivity 

- Consistency

- High expectations

 and as a three-way partnership between the child, his/her parents or carers, and school.



In our school we aim to promote a safe and caring environment in which people feel happy and secure, learn to show respect for others, and are valued as individuals. We believe it is through this environment that children will reach their full potential in every area of learning. 

Above all, we aim to develop confident, reflective children who are proud to belong to our community and who have a sound knowledge of their own value and purpose in the world, who are able to think creatively and with independence and so see the future as full of possibilities. 


We strongly believe that children need to have these skills for later life, and also that children are inclined to work together and with adults peacefully when we fulfil these aims.




The school day runs from 8.45am until 3.15pm.  

Arriving at school in good time ensures that children are ready to learn and feel calm and ready to begin their day. Lateness can be very disruptive to the child and to other children and therefore we place a large emphasis on punctuality. Please click here to find out what to do in case of illness/lateness.

For a full list of policies, follow the link below to our School Policies page:
