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Primary School

Making a difference, every day

Foundation - Saplings & Ash

Our Spanish Day

We wrote a postcard from Spain to our friends and families. We have learnt our numbers, colours and animals. We even tried some Spanish food and created some paintings in Picasso style!

Buddy reading

Tennis coaching

Ash Class enjoyed a visit from a tennis coach! We had fun practising some tennis skills.

Healthy Fuddle

We enjoyed bringing in and sharing healthy snacks as part of our Wellbeing Week.

Endangered animals

We have been learning about endangered animals; we have made posters, written stories and painted pictures. We then invited our parents, carers, grandparents and friends to come and have a look at our work.

Fun with science

Thank you, Dexter, for bringing in and showing us your experiment. 

Dexter showed us how he can make salt and pepper stick to a balloon! We decided to have a go at Dexter’s experiment and tried some other science experiments from his book. We also had a lot of fun making some magic potions and testing magnets.


Woodland work

A lovely afternoon spent exploring and snacking in our woods!



We talked about how tigers are endangered animals and how we must protect them. We painted some tigers and other animals using detail. Some other children made posters to save the tigers.

What a wonderful start to the Summer term!


Aspirations Day in Foundation

Our chicks

Foundation have had a couple of fantastic weeks with the chicks. We have learnt all about their life cycle and how to care for them.  We have loved having them in the classroom!

New arrivals!

We have been demonstrating one of our values - 'Pride' - by showing each other our fantastic work.


A special visitor

Dave from Raptorxotics came to see Foundation. He brought some amazingly animals; a lizard, snake, snails, cockroaches, hedgehog, sparrow hawk and much more! We had an amazing time.

Golden Time on the farm

Open Morning, 10.1.19

We were delighted to welcome another group of prospective families this morning and show them everything Edwalton has to offer.

School gardener of the month!

Posting letters!

Scrambled eggs

We collected eggs from the school chickens and we made delicious scrambled egg!

Rocket in the woods!

There was a rocket crash in our woods! Ash class went to investigate and we found lots of evidence! We were super detectives and wrote reports to the police!

Muddy Feet Taster

Collecting seeds

Children First Curriculum Launch 11.10.18

Enjoying our woods!


Useful websites:

A favourite with children (also good for understanding numbers):

Counting songs

Story of the week- Owl Babies:
