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Making a difference, every day

Year 2

Year 2 have been making sliding cards. What amazing beach pictures you have made!

What makes a superhero? Determination, bravery, aspiration, someone who changes the world? Year 2 have been learning all about inspirational people who have made a difference. The children have researched a person, written a biography and are now presenting them to the class.

Thanks to @keyworthcricket  coaches Georgia and Reggie for a fantastic session this morning with Cherry class. The children had a great time working with you and thanks for providing a wonderful opportunity. #cricket #TeamEdwalton

Year 2 are following instructions to build a hedgehog house!

Cherry Class have just found the Faraway tree in our woods! It is so magical. I wonder what land is at the top today?

Larch class have had very exciting start to their return to school! Hopefully there will be many more wild experiments to come.

Click on the photo to view the video on twitter.

Spectacular final week of home learning for Year 2! We’ve learnt about shape vertices, faces and sorting them, creating our own characters, UK animals, food chains and more! So much great learning! You’ve been amazing during home learning.

Making a reading den in our Year 2 bubble!

Year 2 have jumped straight back into their home learning and have learnt about 2D and 3D shapes, counting the sides and vertices. We’ve created our own story settings, learnt about different habitats and about being part of a group!

What a great last week on our dinosaur topic Year 2! You have really shown your creative flare this week. Have a lovely half term, everyone!

Year 2 are continuing to blow us away with their amazing work! We’ve been learning about pictograms, kosher food, jobs and aspirations and we have been reporting the news that dinosaurs have invaded Edwalton Primary School! So much fantastic work year 2! We are so proud!

Year 2 have had an amazing week, dinosaurs have visited London! We read all about it in a newspaper article, we will be writing our own today! We have using objects around us to make dinosaurs, some children even managed to make snow dinosaurs. Great work Year 2!

Our fantastic year 2’s have been producing even more jaw dropping work! We’ve been learning about arrays, multiplication and division! Also we’ve learnt about Hanukkah, many different types of dinosaurs, the 7 continents and much more fantastic work! Keep it up, Year 2!

Year 2 have been amazing this week . We have been learning all about dinosaurs. We have drawn timelines and food chains! We have seen some amazing writing and maths work this week - keep up the good work, everyone!

We have named our special e-safety penguins who will be here to remind us how to stay safe online!
After a hard week's work, Larch class deserved some fun in the woods!

We are innovating the story The Queen’s Hat! Where will the hat go? To the playground, farm or maybe the woods!

Year 2 have been using a viewfinder and charcoal to create our own London landmark pictures!

Science today in Year 2... which materials will dissolve? Will it be the wax, sugar, sand, jelly or salt?

Year 2 are learning about the Great Fire of London! We have made news reports from the scene.

These things arrived in a box today - what does it all mean?

Some of the fantastic pieces of work Larch class have been producing the past few days!
We've been talking a lot about settling back into school, discussing any worries or concerns they had and we also got to read some brilliant books! 

Exploring in the woods

We've named the Cherry Class e-safety penguin - say 'hi' to Fluffy!

A super start Cherry Class - well done 👍😊. We have been doing some fantastic work so far... taking about our holidays, what we like to read and what we enjoy doing.
