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Primary School

Making a difference, every day

Year 1

Sense of taste 16.10.23

Barefoot woodland wal 2.10.23

Old Toys 25.9.23

Labelling our bodies 22.9.23

Making toys 13.9.23

Changes over time 14.9.23

Making Potions 6.9.23

Science Predictions -7.6.23

Vocabulary Banks 24.5.23

Looking at plants 26.4.23

Someone's been in our woods! 20.3.23

Reading our Nottingham work to Year 5 16.3.23

Number Lines 6.3.23

Edwalton FC Visit 3.3.23

Y1 Love World Book Day 2.3.23

Year 1 visit Nottingham 22.2.23

Making Bread 24.1.23

What makes our farm special 4.1.23

A noun hunt in the woods 9.1.23

Oral Hygeine - Wellbeing Week 7.11.22

Diwali Patterns 4.11.22

Describing our sense of taste 10.10.22

Comparing numbers using inequality signs 4.10.22

Woodland sensory walk with natural materials 26.9.22

How new toys are different to old toys 20.9.22

What Changes over Time Our Y1 Toy Hunt
