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Primary School

Making a difference, every day

School Values

 “To expect school to be a happy and purposeful place purely by chance is unrealistic. It needs to be a positive part of school policy.... the school should be constantly striving towards encouraging every individual to feel a sense of belonging and worth, whilst displaying respect for others, tolerance and support.”


This is a quote from a document written by this school for a national publication and illustrates our commitment to developing children’s ability to live together successfully. 

Our main aim is for children to be happy and successful. For children to be happy, they need to have a good self-image, a feeling that they are valued and that they are making progress. For children to be successful, the staff have to cater for all the different aspects of a child’s development - physical, social, academic, spiritual and religious - we are concerned that each child should get the most from and contribute the most to, the society of which he/she is already a member. Each child is unique and we value their talents and interests in the manner we believe they deserve.

In order to achieve this, we strive to: 

Give our children the skills of communication - listening, speaking, reading, writing and the ability to understand and use concepts through the curriculum subjects.

Enable the habit of learning as opposed to being taught-  self-discipline, sensitivity, responsibility, self-motivation, curiosity, to improve on past performances, a healthy attitude to competition and a knowledge of how to manage success and cope with failure. The freedom to play productively through FS and Key Stage 1 is integral to our ethos.


We find that most children work because they want to, but if they don’t, we will not abrogate our responsibility. We thus strive to engage all children through embracing these aims, our rich school environment, the 4 acre wood and numerous school animals and gardens.


Enable children to develop a happy way of being together; their self-respect leads on to a respect for the rights and needs of other children and adults from their own and other cultures and the opposite gender. If children can develop these skills and attitudes, they are more likely to succeed in achieving the basic skills, and moreover to continue with a good working attitude throughout their education. 

To help children to use their leisure time constructively through sport, drama, music and hobbies. Children who excel in these areas should be given opportunities to do so. We believe that all children should be given an opportunity to sample many interests and activities.


We hope that by working hard towards these aims, your children will grow to be happy and successful.
