Religious Education
The school follows the Nottinghamshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. Our aim is not to foster or nurture faith in any particular religion, but to promote a sympathetic understanding of the religions of the world through class assemblies and our work in classes. We feel it is important that children are given opportunities to explore the religious dimension in their lives and to develop a personal moral code. Parents have a statutory right to withdraw their child from religious education and assemblies but we strongly feel that all children should be aware of, and develop tolerance and sensitivity towards all religions and cultures.
Children explore a range of religions alongside Christianity so they understand the diverse culture and beliefs within the school, the community and across Britain. RE lessons should offer a structured and safe space during curriculum time for reflection. Teaching in RE should engage pupils in discussion, dialogue and debate which enables them to make their reasoning clear and which supports their cognitive and linguistic development. The children are respectful towards differences and are able to question their own world view.
Children have the opportunity to explore culture and different beliefs using artefacts, visitors and experience outside the classroom. This includes trips to places of worship or reflecting within our vast outdoor space (e.g. The Peace Garden or our woodland classrooms). The children (and their families) are encouraged and welcomed to share their culture and beliefs within the classroom/school.
Encouraging reflection, discussion, dialogue and debate within lessons provides significant opportunities for SMSC development. Children are able to cultivate their own world views and respond sensitively to differences. When the children leave Edwalton Primary School they have a strong understanding of a range of religions in and spiritual practices that are within our community, as well as around the world.