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Year 3 - Hazel & Lime

Thank you, year 3!

We are so proud of year 3. They have been creative, fun and hard-working during such a long period of working at home. This week they have continued to impress us with these wonderful self-portraits.

Italian cooking

You can't do a topic about Italy without doing some cooking. Year 3 have been making some delicious Italian food at home.


Year 3's topic this half term is Italy. We have been looking at the artwork of Arcimboldo. This gave everyone the opportunity to get creative with fruit and vegetables.


In year 3 we have been looking at the art of Picasso. The children have created some fabulous Picasso style cubist portraits.

Thinking about racism

We have been learning about the issue of racism. The children expressed their thoughts using acrostic poems, posters and stories.

Working from home

Hazel Class have done a great job over the last few days. Keep it up - I am so proud of you!

Looking after our fish tank

Archaeologists at work

Year 3 enjoyed being archaeologists. A definite favourite was excavating chocolate chips! Thanks so much Fran!

Times Tables success!

Stone Age Snacks!

Stone Age Shelters

Year 3 had a great time making ‘Stone Age’ shelters - unfortunately, we didn’t have any spare animal skins but were more than happy to make do with more modern day materials!

Into the woods...

Year 3 have been collecting ideas for a setting description. “Into the woods.....what will we find?"


Year 3 have been putting up "WANTED" posters in our woods that they have written to help catch the witch. Amazing descriptions with similes!
