What a fantastic talent Rishi (Year 3) has. He’s drawn these from memory and captured such detail and vibrant colours. We think he’s brilliant!
Year 3 keeping fit with Mrs Kang!
Happy World Book Day from Year 3! An amazing day of scavenger hunts, dressing up, mystery reader and masked reader. Thank you Mr T for being our reading guru!
A great first week back Year 3s. You have been very busy being mathematicians, poets, investigators, super sensory spellers and much, much more! Great job everyone!
In Year 3, the children have been thinking about The Creation and have been reflecting upon how we can all care for our world. Thank goodness the future is in your hands, children!
Wow Year 3! You have really impressed us with your Stone Age fact-files. You are all experts on pre-history now. Keep being super stars!
Yet again, our Year 3s have been busy bees. This week they have been handling data, writing delicious (or not) Stone Age Stew recipes, learning about fossils, thinking about skills they would need for their aspirational dream job and much, much more! Great job, everyone!
A fabulous week in Year 3. We loved writing instructions of how to wash a woolly mammoth and even tried our own cave paintings.
Another fabulous week of home learning for Year 3. Rights and Responsibilities, Prayer, Money, Apostrophes, Spanish animal vocab, Setting descriptions and Stone Age homes are just some of the things we have been working on. Great job, everyone!
What a fantastic start to home learning in Year 3! Emails from The Stone Age Boy, timelines of prehistory, plenty of maths, a KWL grid in science and even a Spanish colour and number hunt. Mrs Davis and Mrs Lee are beaming with pride.
A Winter woodland walk
We worked together in teams to act out the story of the true meaning of Christmas – we definitely have some budding actors!
We had fun on Christmas jumper day!
We had fun on our Santa dash – even though it was raining!
This week in Year 3 we have completed our 'Who will care for the polar bear?' topic with a fantastic end of unit piece of writing. We researched and made some wonderful posters. We also saved images into documents using the school laptops. We also had a fabulous afternoon in the woods using the natural resources in the woods to create something that reminded us of our topic. There were so many fabulous ideas to represent things such as polar bears, arctic scenes, igloos and global warming.
In science, we have been learning about the names of the bones in the human body. Although our skeletons looked a little crazy at first, we got there in the end!
Y3 are kicking bullying out on ‘Odd socks day’!