Welcome to Year 2! Here you can see some of the exciting things we have been doing recently.
For History this year, Year 2 have been looking at significant historical events and people. One of our favourite topics was The Great Fire of London. In DT, we created houses from The Great Fire. We invited in our local firemen and luckily for us they set fire to our models. We could really see how quickly the fire spread and understood how it travelled back in 1666. We also learnt about the importance of fire safety and had a tour of the fire engine.
In Science, Year 2 have been studying 'Wild Things'. To help with this we went on an amazing trip to Twycross Zoo. We learnt all about habitats, animal groups and how to care for them.
Year 2's Summer topic is dragons. In art and DT, we have been designing our own fearsome creatures! We analysed other dragon designs, developed designs, created our dragons, made modifications and evaluated them.
In Spring Term, Year 2 had an eggciting delivery of 14 fragile eggs which eventually hatched into fluffy chicks. Year 2's whole topic was taken over by news reports, updates, chick life cyles, art and endless science. Our chicks are now on our farm living a very happy life!
Year 2 have been learning the class poem 'The Jabberwocky' by Lewis Carroll. We went into our school woods to look for the infamous Jabberwocky and perform the poem in its original setting.