Year 4 were shocked to find out that around 800 children die every day from drinking dirty water. We decided to try and help @WaterAidUK and want to raise as much money as we can! Please watch our video (link below) and if you can, visit to make a donation. Thank you.
As part of our river topic, Year 4 have been learning about the water cycle. We made our own water cycle bags and hopefully we’ll be able to see the process in action!
A super Action Jackson session today in Maple Class!
Some brilliant practical maths work from Rowan class this morning solving problems involving money!
Our Year 4 garden is starting to take shape!
Some fantastic stop motion animations in year 4 this afternoon to show Boudicca’s rebellion! A great way to finish off our Romans topic!
Some brilliant creations at year 4 art club! So simple but so effective!
Just a few examples of the incredible writing year 4 produced this week! We have been building up to writing our non-chronological reports about the Romans for two weeks now and the finished reports look fantastic.
Year 4 really enjoyed making their model aquariums this week! What a great way to sum up our Under the Sea topic!
Year 4 have been enjoying a spot of gardening!
Year 4 loved their Easter egg hunt in the woods this afternoon!
Year 4 have been working on the garden outside their classroom, preparing the soil for planting! It was hard work but we are making good progress.
A brilliant morning for Rowan class who made fruit and vegetable skewers for the animals on the farm. We fed the pigs, chickens and goats!
Year 4 have been helping to clean out the rabbits and guinea pigs. They did a great job and showed brilliant team work!
Miss Flaherty was blown away by some of the writing that Spruce Class produced on the last day of home learning! Well done!
Some wonderful World Book Day costumes!
Year 4 have dived into their new topic 'Under the Sea!' We have been looking at the book ‘Flotsam’. Here are some of their predictions about the book!
Some of the art work created this week by our very talented year 4s based on ‘The Great Wave of Kangawa’.
Just a few of the brilliant earthquake leaflets created by Rowan and Spruce class today. Well done year 4!
What an incredible week of home learning for year 4! This week, the children have written eyewitness accounts about a tsunami, worked hard on their multiplication and division in maths, looked at family members in Spanish, sound in science and much more!
Another great week of home learning in year 4! We have learnt all about volcanoes, sound and Christian places of worship. The children have blown us away with their brilliant work!
Year 4 really enjoyed their maths lesson in the woods, consolidating their learning on length and perimeter. The children made shapes out of sticks and then calculated their perimeters. We had a challenge to see who could make the shape with the biggest perimeter and who could make a shape with the smallest perimeter!
Christmas jumper day!
Year 4 had a brilliant time in the woods this afternoon. We went for a relaxing walk and reflected on our day.
What a brilliant science day! We started off by trying out some Greek foods and then we learnt where the food went in our body! The children loved learning about the digestive system- especially the rather disgusting parts. We did a really fun experiment with tights to show the food travelling through the intestines and coming out as poo! If you want to try this experiment, here is a link to show it:
After, we imagined that we were a bit of Greek food travelling through the digestive system and wrote it as a diary.
Year 4 showed off their new knowledge of Roman Numerals this morning by using sticks to make a Roman Numerals number line outside. Great work,Year 4!
Year 4 have had a brilliant time in the woods role playing 'Theseus and the Minotaur'.