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Primary School

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Year 1

William the Conqueror fact hunt 11.7.22

Adrian from Holy Rood Church delivering the story of 'Jonah and the Whale' 26.5.22

Learning about our bodies 17.5.22 Labelling our organs

Learning about our bodies Labelling our organs 17.5.22

Robin Hood has been in our woods!

Bean diaries! Year 1 have been busy planting bean seeds ready to write our bean diaries. 6.5.22

Year 1 investigated the different parts of a plant 27.4.22

People who help us 21.3.22

Making Paper 11.3.22

Our Imperative verb hunt 31.1.22

Our Imperative verb hunt 31.1.22

On the farm 4.1.22

Year 1 have started their sequence of learning on religious celebrations. Today we explored the religions that celebrate Diwali and learnt all about Diwali. We celebrated ourselves by making Rangoli patterns, Mehndi patterns and role-playing the story of Rama and Sita.

We continued our work on the senses in science today looking at how we use our sense of taste. Year 1 carried out an experiment to determine whether we can tell the flavour of crisp from taste alone. We tested 3 different flavours, thinking about how the crisps tasted.

Year 1 have been looking at primary and secondary colours in art. We experimented mixing our primary colours to determine which colours they made, creating our own art equations. We then used all of our colours to paint Buzz.

Year 1 have started looking at the work of 'Paul Klee' in art. We thought about what an artist was and compared the work of some different artists. We used lots of different shapes to draw our very own Paul Klee inspired toy factory.

Year 1 have started their exploration of the five senses. Looking at ‘Touch’ they used our fantastic woodland space to complete a barefoot walk! The vocabulary they used to talk about all the different textures they could feel under their feet was fantastic!

Year 1 have been learning all about parts of the body in Science. In our challenges this week, we've been labelling ourselves and our class body with all the different body parts we know. Super work, Year 1.

As part of our their ‘what changes over time?’ Overarching question, Year 1 have been researching old toys. Before they begin to design their own, they looked at a variety of old toys and how they are made. It’s now up to them to make a choice!

Year 1 making ‘feelings potions’ inspired by ‘The Colour Monster’ key text. Learning to love our school woods early into our Edwalton Journey!
