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Primary School

'Excellence at Edwalton'

Parents' Association

Edwalton Primary School Parents' Association (EPSPA) 


EPSPA organises fun events throughout the school year at which children, parents, other family members and staff can meet and have fun whilst raising valuable funds for school. We are committed to raising £2,100 per academic year to support the running costs of the farm. Plus, in recent years, we have funded the bike sheds, new ICT equipment, books for the library, a set of ukeleles, souvenir Coronation bookmarks for every child, Maths and Spanish resources, sports equipment and work to outside and garden spaces to help further engage the children with the outdoors as well as supporting Wellbeing Week and the Y6 enterprise project.


EPSPA also represents the school at various community events such as Holy Rood church's Christmas Tree festivals. In addition, we have continued to support school in their efforts to improve road safety. We were very pleased to have successfully worked with our local councillors to get the path between school and the golf course resurfaced.


Here are four ways to get involved and support our school:

  • Join the committee. We always welcome new members! Being involved with EPSPA is a great way to meet other parents and carers and make a difference to our fantastic school. Use the form below or email to express your interest or request more info.


EPSPA is a registered charity with a formal constitution.


Interested in joining the Committee?

The committee typically meets at least once a month to plan events and discuss opportunities for supporting the school. There's always plenty to do and as the committee evolves on a continuous basis, it's easy to join and make your mark. The committee decides what time best suits to meet: at present most meetings are held in the evenings to facilitate attendance by those with daytime work commitments, although we would like to have at least one meeting per half term on a morning, for those who find it easier to meet during the day.


More information about the committee 


What are the Committee roles?

The Chairperson provides leadership for the Committee and works closely with all the Committee members to ensure that the association is run effectively.  He/she sets the date and agenda for meetings and chairs the meetings, ensuring everyone has a voice and all the key decisions are identified, discussed and agreed by the Committee.  He/she ensures that the Association is operated in accordance with its Constitution.

The Secretary is responsible for ensuring that there are effective communication links between the committee members, the parents and carers and the school.  He/she also typically writes and distributes the minutes of the meetings, co-signs cheques as required and writes the annual report with the Chairperson.

The Treasurer ensures that the Committee has agreed appropriate financial procedures.  He/she is responsible for maintaining accurate financial records, providing for and accounting for cash floats at events, liaising with the bank as required and preparing the annual financial report.

The President is the Headteacher, Mr Graney. He provides support and advice to the Committee in terms of events and other fund-raising activities, liaising with staff, providing access to the school, reviewing and signing off on risk assessments.  He identifies funding opportunities for the Association to consider and provides input on areas of greatest impact.

The other Committee Members play a vital role working alongside the Officers (Chair, Secretary, Treasurer).  They often lead on particular projects (e.g. personalised Christmas cards) or events (e.g. an after-school event). We also have a committed team of helper members who lend a hand at events as and when they can. It's good fun and very rewarding to be involved, and a great way to help out without the commitment of regular meetings.


Contact us via the form below if you'd like to get involved, either as a committee member or a helper at one of our events or have a fundraising idea to share - we'd love to hear from you!

EPSPA Enquiry
