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Primary School

'Excellence at Edwalton'

Meet the Governors

Michael Skinner

Joint Chair of Governing Body

Term of Office from 15.12.21

Parent Governor

Term of Office from 10.7.19


Hi, having previously been a governor at a local secondary school I was delighted to be elected parent governor at Edwalton in 2019. My wife and I moved to Edwalton in 2011 and we have two daughters at the school. We chose Edwalton based on its ethos as well as the unique teaching environment being able to incorporate the farm and woodland. I am a qualified Chartered Accountant and work for a large local company within their Global IT Services team. Outside of work I am also supporting the formation of a musical Charitable Incorporated Organisation for which I will become a Trustee. 

As a Governor my aim is to support the school leadership team in maintaining a high standard of education whilst supporting each and every child’s needs. As a Parent Governor my aim is to represent the parent population to the Head Teacher and Governing Body in all discussions. Please feel free to get in touch if there are any matters you feel need to be raised. 


Emily Talbot

Joint Chair of Governing Body

Term of Office from 15.12.21

Co-opted Governor

I am pleased to be a co-opted Governor. I grew up and went to school in West Bridgford and have been keen to support Edwalton Primary School and its unique ethos and environment since my daughter started in Foundation at the school in September 2017.

I work as a Consultant Clinical Psychologist within the Paediatric Neuropsychology Service of Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. My role involves working with children and young people with acquired brain injury and other neurological conditions, and their families, across the East Midlands region.  This includes working alongside other health, education and social care professionals to support young people with additional needs.  I hope that this experience proves to be beneficial in supporting, and being part of, the school’s governing body. 


Steve Ellis

Co-opted Governor

Term of office from 29.11.17 

My name is Steve Ellis. I was born in Nottingham and have lived in the area all my life other than 3 years at Sheffield at University. I have lived in Edwalton since 2015 and have two children who both currently attend Edwalton Primary School. As a family we love the culture and unique facilities that the school has. I am a qualified Chartered Accountant, and I am a Partner at a National Accounting practise providing accounting and business advice to companies in a wide range of sectors. 


My role as a Governor is that of Chair of the finance and personnel committee. With my work background, my primary focus is on supporting and challenging the financial position of the school. Alongside this, I really enjoy being able to support the school leadership team to ensure the school provides the best possible environment for the success of all the children.



Adrian Savage

Parent Governor

Term of office from 18.10.17 

I have been involved with Edwalton Primary School since my son started in foundation in September 2015.  It is a privilege to be able to serve as parent governor at such a wonderful school and I recognise the importance of the role and the responsibility that it brings.


Since 2000 I have worked as a law lecturer at Nottingham Trent University, teaching on a wide range of undergraduate, post-graduate and vocational courses.  Prior to this I worked as a Commercial Litigation Solicitor for a major international law firm in London.  I aim to use my varied skills and wide experience in my role as parent governor; I know that the headmaster and staff have high ambitions for the school and I will contribute whatever I can to help them achieve those ambitions.

Chris Emm

Co-opted Governor

Term of office from 17.3.21


I have lived in Nottingham for over 20 years, and in Edwalton since 2017. Both of my children currently attend Edwalton Primary School. The ethos, culture and the facilities at the school were the main factors when we decided to choose Edwalton Primary School for our children, and they have really enjoyed (almost) every day here! I am a commercial property solicitor, specialising in Education sector matters, acting for schools, Academies, Multi Academy Trusts, Further Education Colleges and Universities in all aspects of their land and buildings, which can range from day to day site management to major land acquisitions, disposals, and development projects (including building new schools).


I will use my knowledge of the complex legal and regulatory requirements affecting schools to ensure that I help the staff, governors and Trust in driving the school forward to achieve even greater things. In particular, I have a focus on the Health and Safety elements of the school site. We all have great ambitions for the school, and have achieved a lot already, and by working together we will achieve even more. Our priority will always be for the children at the school, they deserve the best education and facilities possible.





Hetvi Parekh

Co-opted Governor

Term of office from 14.7.21

I am a qualified social worker and currently work as an Independent Reviewing Officer for Nottinghamshire County Council. 
I also work as a casual tutor and independent practice educator wherein I tutor social work students and supervise them whilst they are on placements. 
I am  heavily involved with voluntary work wherein I am the lead co-ordinator of the charity Sewa Day in Nottingham,  Facilitator for Practical Preparation for Parenthood course at the Twins Trust and a committee member at EPSPA. 


Good well rounded education makes a massive difference in a child’s life. I am passionate about ensuring that every child at Edwalton Primary experiences a positive learning environment with the right support. I want to give back to the community- the community where I live and the community where my children are growing up.  I believe that with my experience and skills, I can contribute positively to support the school,  in enabling the children to attain their maximum potential. 

Alex Cazabon

Parent Governor

Term of office from 16.3.22

I am proud to serve as a member of the Board of Governors at this wonderful School, which offers a unique environment, including its very own farm and agricultural opportunities for our children. The School's strong commitment to high teaching standards and its welcoming, family-focused ethos make it a special place!


As a parent, my children's education is of the utmost importance to me. I am passionate about contributing positively to the school community, ensuring that our children receive the best opportunities to thrive.  I graduated from Keele University with a 2:1 dual honours degree in law and business, subsequently qualifying as a Solicitor specialising in real estate law and civil litigation.  While I have put my legal career on hold to focus on raising my children, I have always stayed involved in their education. My past roles include actively supporting the learning process within the classroom and providing one-to-one tutoring when additional help was needed.


I am strongly committed to my role as a Parent Governor, with my ultimate goal being to help achieve the best outcomes for all our children.  While I pride myself on being an effective communicator, I am an equally good listener. I am here to represent all parents and guardians in communication with the headteacher and governing body on any matters that may arise. While I am contactable by email, please feel free to approach me in person at school.



Dan Graney

Head Teacher


Danny Thompson 

Staff Governor

N Middleton

Staff Governor
