Our intent is that Music engages and inspires pupils to develop a love of music and talent as musicians. We believe it is a subject which embodies one of the highest levels of creativity, both individually and in collaboration. Providing an opportunity to show creative flair, importantly allows an increase in children’s self-confidence, especially those who may lack it in other curriculum areas. As pupils progress, we want to see them develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose and to listen with discrimination. This begins to equip children with the skills to make informed critical responses in the wider world.
All work is based on the NC aims for Music;
Generally class music lessons are delivered using the Charanga Musical School scheme. This enables children to have fun, interactive lessons and build on their music skills year by year. Music lessons are also supplemented with engaging composition sessions linked to the class topic e.g. Animals in Year 1: Study of Carnival of the Animals and composing their own carnival of a chosen animal using untuned instruments and basic rhythm notation.
Further opportunities are provided to fuel children’s love of music, with weekly singing assemblies and music clubs such as choir and Young Voices. We love to put on year group productions and invite the community to share in these. Individually, children can become skilled musicians through peripatetic lessons in a variety of instruments and these talents can be celebrated in school concerts and assemblies.
Edwalton children will show a passion for music. They will have developed the relevant skills appropriate to their age group and be using appropriate technical vocabulary e.g. Year 3 use of crotchet and minim. Children will have used a range of instruments and learnt a wide variety of techniques to compose and record their music. A recent book scrutiny showed fun and exciting ways of composing group and individual pieces of music, some of which linked to the class’ overall topic e.g. Year 5 composing a Viking Saga song (lyrics and music). Ultimately, through music, Edwalton children will have developed the school values of fun, creativity, perseverance, pride and confidence.